As the stress of finals exponentially grows with each passing day before our first exam, it is easy to get overwhelmed by everything going on. Fortunately, we are very close to having a break to rest and rejoice in all that is going on. Here are some relatable emotions that we experience during the end of a semester, as told by Gilmore Girls.
1. Trying to remember who you were before all the stress
2. Rereading over class notes
Life has never been so confusing.
3. Realizing you have exams at 8am
The early bird gets the...grumpy exam time.
4. Caffeine is key
Trying to stay awake long enough to study more is the real struggle.
5. When reality kicks in
6. Figuring out that you are out of snacks
Having to break the study sessions to go and find food is less than ideal for optimizing the amount of time spent studying.
7. Conquering the test
Knowing you overcame the test and crushed it is a beautiful beautiful thing.
8. Wanting to ask the professor why the exam was 30 pages long
9. That pep talk you give yourself in the middle of wanting to give up
Walking away is for the weak, whereas fighting the struggle head on is character building!
10. When your friend suggests taking an intensive during break
Christmas break is for resting and restoring, not for cramming and crashing.
11. Celebrating the end of the stress
The finals are done! The finals are done!
Whether you have already gone through your stressful period of time for this season or whether you are just about to, stay positive and embrace the opportunities!