It is once again that time of the semester where the professors hand out their final assignments and discuss final exams. The adrenaline levels start to rise as the final study guides are given out and the explanation of those final projects and essays are done. The stress may be high but the humor from the popular TV show "Friends" will calm you down. Here are some typical finals' week moments that every college student goes through.
1. Welcome to finals week everyone!! ![]()
2. Professors on the day of the final: "Why didn't you study this weekend?"
3. When you stay up all night studying and stressing out and all you do is eat
4. Coffee -- allllll the coffee and it gets you feeling like:
5. That one class where you have to study everything from the semester
6. And then you take a break and end up goofing off and procrastinating
7. When you cannot study anymore
8. Asking the professor for extra help and they're like:![]()
9. When your roommate or the people down the hall blast music and you cannot focus
10. When you walk in on the day of the test and you forget what you studied
11. And then when you do get the test, you're feeling "Fine"
12. You write down something that makes no sense on the exam
13. But after all those hours of studying and you do actually know the content of the test
14. That feeling when you turn in your test and all the relief flows in
15. And then when finals week is finally over
16. No matter what grade you got on the final and turns out you passed not only the test but the class as well
17. Not worrying about finals, projects, papers, or any quiz or test for a long time
18. Or anything school-related for that matter
Good luck on finals everyone!!