The most dreaded part of the semester is upon us: finals week. We are all scrambling to turn in last-minute literary analyses, manage group projects, and our-class-needs-more-points homework assignments. As we enter dead week, we begin to study for our final exams, pulling all-nighters in the library and crunching numbers ("If I want a B in the class, I only need to make a 7 percent on the final!"). Attitudes about final exams vary from student to student. Some suffer from anxiety attacks while others accept their failing grades with a shrug. If anything, I fall into the former group. I am a perfectionist, so anything less than a 4.0 for the semester is unacceptable.
Thankfully, though, summer vacation is right around the corner.
Even as we work our butts off to understand the terms on our flashcards and the race issues in Shakespeare's "Othello," take a break to enjoy Ron Swanson's reactions to final exams.