Finals can be a stressful time, and every student goes through the classic cycle of emotions. The comedic television series "30 Rock" perfectly encapsulates the distress, misery, and anxiety of finals week. Also, the procrastination.
1. The laziness
Tracy Morgan might be lazier than you. Maybe.
2. Success?
Sometimes when you receive your final grades it all turns out fine. You did better than you thought you would and it's all due to your hard work and commitment. Too bad nobody cares what your GPA is and higher education doesn't even guarantee you a job in the future. But good for you!
3. Borderline grades
The high stakes business world of Jack Donaghy feels relatable when your GPA is on the line. After the test is passed out and you realize you don't know the answer to the first question, it's depressing.
4. Presentation anxiety
Presentations as finals are the worst form of punishment. Everyone's uncomfortable during that one presentation that was probably put together an hour before class. It's best to just look away.
5. Doing your best
When you can't quite remember the answer to a test question but you do the best you can.
6. Jealousy
The most depressing part of finals week is probably when you log onto social media and see pictures of your friends who already left for vacation.
7. Acceptance
Walking into the classroom to take your final is almost cathartic. You either know the information or you don't.
8. Caffeine-induced panic
Pulling an all-nighter to write that essay you've procrastinated on all week requires more than one cup of coffee.
9. Memory loss
For everyone in a language class who forgets everything they learned right after the final.
10. A call to Oprah
Through Oprah, our goddess, all is achievable. Even your 12-page essay.
Hopefully, everyone had better final experiences than the cast of "30 Rock," but let's have a moment of silence for those who had a breakdown or two.