The bad news is that finals are quickly approaching. The good news is that means summer break is also on its way. For many college students, this time is spent between procrastinating studying with daydreams about summer vacations or soaking up the sun while crying into textbooks. Here is finals week, as told by everyone’s favorite character, Tina Belcher.
When You Realize You Have An 8 A.M. Exam
Maybe 8 in the morning isn’t that bad and the professor even promised to bring donuts for the class, but when is a better time to be dramatic than in college? Rest in peace to all the people taking 8 A.M. exams this semester, not to mention the people that have had 8 A.M. classes all year.
Bringing Coffee To The Library
This is your moment to shine. In college, everyone has to stick together and the one time when you decide to be the hero and bring ten large coffees into the library, everyone will be grateful. Don’t let it go to your head though, you are still a normal person!
As A Last Resort...
When you have given up on studying and you start to calculate the lowest percent you need to get on your exam to pass the class: this is when you begin to ponder the ideas of flirting with your professor for a good grade. Sure, it’s not going to work and it will probably embarrass you and everyone in that class, but you are desperate. So maybe just a wink?
The Night Before Your Exam
You have set a schedule of studying, relaxing, and sleeping — except that usually never goes how it should. You study for half the time you planned for, then you relax for more. Sleep? What is sleep? You “thrash” in your bed all night, trying to remember important study guide information, thinking about summer break, and honestly, just staring at your ceiling.
The Morning Of Your Exam
It’s the morning of the exam and you simply cannot get ready. Whether you are too tired from the night before or too nervous for the upcoming exam.
Wearing Your Sunday Best
If you look good, you’ll do good… Right?
The Caffeine Addiction
The nervous jitters and sleepless nights amount to chugging three pots of coffee and then peeing five hundred times before your exam even starts. This helps nothing, but we all have to do it.
During The Exam
Seriously, why are you thinking about the most irrelevant things during an important exam? Focus!
After The Exam
The exam has taken what is left of your soul and you feel like an empty loser. Maybe you completely blanked on the exam or actually did quite well, you will still feel like a failure because once again, college is for being dramatic.
When You Get Your Final Grade
Weeks into summer and you have totally forgotten about all the stress of exams and college, until you get the notification of grades in your school email. Yet, instead of being negative, you start to reassure yourself.
When You Pass An Exam You Thought You Failed
The greatest gift of all. You go, superstar!
Exams can be stressful and we may all relate to Tina more than we probably should but at least it will be over soon! Good luck!