Finals are quickly approaching, and it's very common to get pulled into a spiral of stress. In times like these, it's always good to remember that you're not alone. Here are some situations you'll probably find yourself in during finals, as told by the Gilmore Girls.
When you first start studying, the motivation is fresh
You've worked hard all semester, and now is the time to show them what you've learned.
But then the stress sets in.
And you wonder why you even decided to go to school in the first place.
You tell yourself you'll start working on your final projects way ahead of time.
You even write "start final project" in your planner two weeks before it's due.
Then the due date is two days away and you thank the heavens for your procrastinating skills.
Not everyone can make a six page essay appear using only Google and the PowerPoints from class.
You're practically living off of caffeine
Sometimes a tall espresso just doesn't cut it.
And you still want to hibernate until it's all over.
Or even just for an hour would be nice.
It's always great to find friends to study with who are just as stressed as you are
Studying is a lot more fun when you have someone to complain with.
Because studying alone can get really miserable.
Wait, no. That's just me. I'm sad.
And at some points, you become too tired to even determine what emotion you're feeling.
If you're really exhausted, you might even start to do both.
Your friends are still going out on the weekend, and you desperately wish you were too.
But you know that you'd spend the entire time stressing about how much studying you have to do.
With every passing minute, the idea of marrying someone who's rich sounds better and better.
I've heard the MRS degree is the easiest one to get.
Then you realize how much of a mess you are right now, and the idea seems a bit too far out of reach.
When's the last time I washed my hair? Do you think anyone can tell I've had this eyeliner on for three days?
It is important, however, to remind yourself that looking good isn't a priority right now.
Nobody at the library cares. They're all stressing about school just as much as you are.
Your family and friends keep telling you that everything is going to be okay.
And you really want to be straightforward with them.
You walk into that first final and feel nothing but dread
Whether you went out the night before, or studied until you could recite the material in your sleep.
But as soon as they're over, you're happier than you've been in weeks.
Even if you're too exhausted to express that happiness properly.
And no matter what those final grades are, you survived.
That alone is a pretty impressive accomplishment.