It all begins when your teacher reminds you that finals are coming up.
So you decide you need to get preparing. Easy. You just have to review your class lectures.
But you decide there's enough time. You don't have to worry about it just yet.
Until you start hearing about the study groups and late nights at the library people are having.
So you begrudgingly accept that it's time for you to get working too.
Soon you realize you should have paid way more attention in class.
But the internet is just too interesting to let you spend time on your computer just studying...
And you can't procrastinate forever, the due dates are just around the corner.
So you buckle down and get stuff done.
You envy everyone who has a life outside the library walls.
Suddenly, finals are upon you.
You wake up, go through your routine, and head to take your final.
You sit down to take it, overwhelmed and exhausted.
But then you give yourself a pep-talk and power through.
After you finish, you realize you've survived the class.
And now, you can have fun until next term when you have to do it all over again.