Everyone is in the library. The local coffee shop is flooded with stressed-out students. You can't even begin to imagine what the next week will bring. That's right, it's finals week. Here is your ultimate Buddy the Elf exam week experience.
Your professor tells you that the final is cumulative and doesn't give you a study guide:
You kick yourself for the fact that you didn't start studying earlier:
You're up so late that you will eat literally anything:
It's the night before your exam and that triple shot of espresso is kicking in:
You've got so much energy and your brain is fried...time for one of your infamous five-minute dance parties:
Professors, friends, and your parents tell you to stop pulling all-nighters:
Hop on the struggle bus as you try to cling to your "subpar" GPA:
Your Miles Finch level of sympathy kicks in when someone complains about how they're so bored because they have no studying left to do:
You're taking your exam and you come across a question you don't know how to answer:
You make an attempt to distract yourself from the horror of exam week by listening to Christmas music:
With all of that holiday music you start picturing all of the things you're going to do to celebrate after you're finished with this God-forsaken week:
You finish your last exam and reflect on the hell that has been the last two weeks of your life:
You're finally done and free to have a social life. Go celebrate, you earned it!