When you're about to have a mental breakdown:
Coming home from the library:
When you get a better grade on an exam than your friends without even trying:
When you realize you probably shouldn't be an economicsĀ major:
One hour before your hardest exam:
And how you feel about your grade immediately after:
When you find out you actually crushed it:Ā
When you really just can't handle it anymore:
When you're so burnt out and you're still functioning:
Eating during finals week:
When you ask your professor if there's any extra credit:
When the exam is announced as cumulative:
When you realize the exam is tomorrow, not three days from now:
Trying to locate free food:
The majority of your feelings towardsĀ professors:
Redefining your workout schedule:
The conversation you have with every one of your peers:
When it's all finally over:Ā