Getting through finals week!
Welcome to week 10, AKA: Week of Hell, Dead Week, I Want to Die Week, Dropping Out of School Now Week, Reevaluating My Life Week, and many more! This is that time during the term where students are, in a word, “done”. Worry not though fellow students, since I have no finals this next week (please don’t hate me, I know I’m a horrible person) I’m going to try and give you some tips and tricks on how to get through yours!
1. Quit coffee... So you can have more!
As awful as it sounds, quitting coffee for just a little bit of time will give you better results when you drink coffee later. It's kind of hard for coffee to work when you're already going to Dutch Bros four times in one day!
2. Turn your phone off.
I know, I know. it seems impossible, but give the phone up for a few hours. It's too difficult to study with your desk vibrating every five minutes. Shut it down completely and put it out of sight.
3. One test, two test, three test, score!
I take most of my tests four times. I go through the first time and only answer questions I am 100% positive on and circle the ones I am not sure about. I go through the second time to answer questions I may have circled and feel a little more confident on. Then, I go through a third time to answer the questions I have no idea about or am "just guessing" (almost always better to guess than to not answer at all). On the fourth run-through, I make sure I have answered every question and have marked everything in the correct order.
4. Make time for physical activity.
There have been plenty of studies done proving exercise is related to health. So get your aerobic on! Take the time out of the day to get in a run or yoga session so you can be more alert and ready to learn.
5. Play music while studying...
Playing music while studying is another great tool for memory. My personal favorite is some good old Beethoven. Most people report that piano or instrumental music is best for studying .
6. Chew gum to help with memory.
Chewing gum isn't going to bump you from a C to an A, especially if you haven't studied. But, there has been research done about chewing gum before and during tests that shows it can help with memory. So, chew gum while studying and chew the same flavor gum during the test!
7. Study alone, but stay in groups.
Studying in groups can be helpful but many times it is distracting as well. Get a group together that is studying for the same material, and study separately until someone needs help.
8. Try the whole "dress better, test better" trick.
I've always felt that confidence is another aspect of test taking. So, dress up when it comes time to take those finals! As far as studying goes, that zebra onesie should do just fine.
9. Look up some True/False helpful tips.
There's a few tips and tricks online about how to take multiple choice tests as well as how to take true/false exams. It's always good to be prepared when taking these kinds of test since they can be tricky.
Have a positive attitude
Going into a test with confidence and a positive attitude is just another way to help yourself through a difficult test!
10. Don't give up!
As cliche as it may sound, it's true! Don't let a test slide or call it quits. It may be hard, but it's only one week and at the end of the day it's easier to get through a week of torture than to try and make up your GPA for two years.
11. NAP! Anytime, Anywhere, Just do it!
Nap wherever you want! During finals week, it's quite acceptable to find someone sleeping on a desk, under a table, or outside in the grass. No one is going to judge you. Power naps are awesome, and it takes time away from studying when you have to run all the way home just to get a little sleep in. Naps are awesome!
12. Don't go to the OSU library!
Last but certainly not least, do not pull that "I want a study room" at the OSU library during dead week. It's not going to happen, pal. People who get study rooms have booked them about 50 years ago so try not to waste your time. Go to the public library, go to a friend's house, go outside at a quite park. If you are looking for a quite place to study, the library is going to be busy, crowded, and loud from about 8am-1am every single night this week. Don't get your hopes up about finding refuge there.
I know studying isn't exactly first on anyone's bucket list. There will be times when you feel like you're going to fall over and die from how many equations you crammed into your head in the last week, but trust me there is light at the end of the tunnel! Find what works for you and study as much as you can. Good luck and may the grades be ever in your favor!