Possible spoilers ahead.
It's finally that time of the semester. You know, when you have to balance work, school, a social life and studying for finals. Some professors like to give timed exams, others like to assign papers and call it a day. Some even like waiting until the end of the semester to assign a group project. If finals week and NBC's "The Good Place" have one thing in common, it's that it's a breeze for some and a personal hell for others.
1. When class is cancelled for study day.
2. When you're trying to see the board during the review session.
3. When you've been studying non-stop yet still don't understand the material.
4. Stocking up on snacks for the long hours you'll be spending in the library.
5. When your study buddy needs some notes from a lecture they missed.
6. When you begin to lose all hope in passing the exam.
7. Waking up after getting less than seven hours of sleep.
8. When you're nervous for your first final, but you know you're going to be okay.
9. When you hire a tutor to help study for your calc final.Â
10. When that one member in your group project doesn't do anything right.
11. When you're finally done with the presentation.
12. Realizing you selected the wrong answer after turning in your exam.
13. When you're running late and bump into someone on the way to take your last final.
14. When you're over studying and taking exams and want to get the last one over with.
15. When you see your grade.
16. When you're done with exams and ready to celebrate.
GiphyWhether you find yourself in a good place or the bad place this finals season, you've got this! Good luck with your exams, papers, and assignments!
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