Brace yourselves. If you're a college student and the end of April is approaching, there's only one word racing through your mind: finals. That great time of the year filled with Starbucks, tears, and living in library west is the gateway between you and summer. For some, finals can be a breeze and simply just another exam to take. But let's be real here, the majority could use a few pointers when it comes to finals.
Actually plan out your exam schedule. Whether it's on a planner, phone, or even all over your room with post it notes, make sure you are aware of the times, rooms, and most importantly, the dates of your finals. The last thing you want is to miss an exam especially with those online classes where due dates seem to pop up out of nowhere.
Divide your time wisely. Some classes will be easier than others depending on what you're taking, therefore, as the dates approach, know which classes need more time and study accordingly. If it's a class in which you have been struggling, make sure you focus strongly on it over an easier one. And if you've been tortured by having a cumulative exam, know that you will need more time to go over the new and previous material. Even though we always tell ourselves we're studying a week ahead of time and find ourselves pulling an all-nighter, actually make an effort and split a nights studying over a couple days period.
Avoid distractions. Life events that surround us have a knack for having the most interesting and fun events happen whenever we need to be studying. Going out when you should be studying may not be the best move, but it's a decision only you can make. If you are going to study, though, make sure that your study environment won't make you waste your time when you have an important exam coming up. Libraries work best for most, but somewhere quiet outside is a nice change of pace as well. Putting your phone away and closing all windows on your browser minus the one you are using to study are all good start ups, but at the end you have to put in the effort. Having study breaks for getting a snack, using your phone or watching an episode of your favorite show are great motivators to look forward to as you hit the books.
Take care of yourself. It's great that you are studying hard for your exams, but to lock yourself in the library filled up only on coffee and doughnuts isn't the way to go either. Reasons like that is why you ought to start studying ahead of time to avoid being a zombie on 20 minutes of sleep. Always remember to take breaks during studying, going to the gym or eating a well-balanced meal are all healthy alternatives and an effective way to test how much you remember when you get back to studying. No one expects a perfect sleeping schedule, but at least aim for six hours during finals. Your body needs rest from studying so much, not to mention you'll want to be rested when taking your finals.
Go into the exam with confidence. Don't expect an A if you crammed weeks' worth of material in six hours last night. But If you actually took the time to learn the concepts and apply them, it will show. Answer what you know first then take a second look at those tricky questions. Remember it's not a race to see who can finish first. Even if you are done, take your time and double check your work. Forgetting to answer a question, or reading a question wrong are all ways to lose points that can be avoided. Be sure of yourself, do your best and may the curve be ever in your favor.