Exams are FINAL-ly over and Winter break is here at last! So many different emotions hit college students during this time of post-cramming and pre-Christmas. Serena Williams (crowned Sports Illustrated's 2015 Sportsperson of the Year after winning three major championships this year) with her countless successes and her wonderfully vibrant personality can help express this crazy mix of feelings and experiences attacking students this Holiday break.
1. When you walk out of your last final...
2. But when you're finally alone you're really like...
Bye Finals! Bye School. I'm free! FINALLY OVER!...at least for a few weeks
3. But you have to say a sad goodbye to your school friends...
4. But you get home and your high school squad is still as fierce as ever...
5. And the anxiety before you log in to check your grades...
6. When you end up acing the final you crammed all night for...
7. After someone asks you about that one class you didn't do so hot in...
8. When your friend claims he/she got A's on all of their exams...
8. Battin' incessant questions about your grades away like...
Not this time Aunt Gigi!
9. But really you're just happy you're on break and it's Christmas time...
10. And you get exactly what you want for Christmas...
11. And then you think you have a break but really it's New Year's and then back to School again...