Darty season has come and gone and now we are entering quite possibly the worst two weeks in the history of life: dead week and finals week. No matter what anyone tells you, dead week is never actually dead. The "dead" just describes how you feel inside. You're surrounded by projects and papers and trying to find time to study for exams. If you can just survive these two weeks summer is on its way. But as Nick Miller will prove, that's a lot harder than it looks.
1. The library, or any other semi-quiet study space is your new dorm room.
Things like bathroom breaks and lunch are now luxuries of the past.
2. You have to start turning down parties and Netflix marathons.
You slacked off so much in the past semester that your final will make or break you. You can't afford even one night off sadly.
3. You don't even know how to have a normal conversation at this point.
You feel too stressed to think of anything else to talk about other than how you're handling finals season.
4. On top of exams, you have final papers and it's hard to say which is worse.
Writing papers sucks just as much as trying to re-learn a whole semester's worth of material. Bonus points if it's a research paper that you've put off until the very last minute.
5. There's always one final you know you're gonna kill it on though.
One A could raise your GPA just enough.
6. Your body is just as out of shape as your mind is at this point in the semester.
You can't remember the last time you opened a textbook, went to your 8 a.m. lecture, or set foot in a gym.
7. You've been running away from your responsibilities for so long...
that this week has hit you like a brick. RIP to your grades.
8. Despite the whole dead week thing, you actually have a lot of homework due.
You may or may not have forgotten about all of it.
9. Sometime during the middle of all your frantic studying, you've made a shocking discovery.
You have no clue how you've made it this far.
10. The littlest things set you off.
Not even dogs can cheer you up.
11. So you slipped up and binged Netflix instead of studying.
Stress makes the body react in ways it usually wouldn't. The fact that you usually binge TV is just minor detail.
12. This is your permanent mood for these next two weeks:
Is it summer break yet?
13. You have prepared a full speech for when someone asks if you're okay.
To everyone's knowledge, finals is just a tiny bump in the road for you. You're freaking out on the inside though.
14. You thought you could cram the night before...
but that's not exactly working out.
15. If this semester's finals week has taught you anything it's this:
Good luck with finals! If Nick Miller can finally start his novel, you can pass your exams.