YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING RIGHT NOW! But we all know that isn't happening right now. You are desperately searching Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. just to avoid studying or writing that final paper. Well, I can't write that paper for you, and I can't offer any study tips that you don't already know. But I can give you the best pep talk you will ever need for you final.
This is best read right before you take your final.
So you need a pep talk before taking your final? Well, you should know that most studies show that confidence is 50% of the battle. You have studied for as long as you can handle, whether that is 2 minutes or 2 days. And you might even want to cram more information into your sleep-deprived head, but now you are out of time.
So you have done what you could for that first 50% of the battle? Now, I'm here to help with that second 50%. First, you have made it this far. You have survived an entire semester of waking up, walking to class in the heat, and staying awake in the class. You have survived homework assignments, labs, quizzes, tests, lectures, presentations, papers, group project, and whatever else the professor decided to torture you with. Now it's the very last time you have to be in this room for this class. That should cheer you up some. This is the last test that you need for this class. So you know what?
YOU GOT THIS! You may be dead tired, hyped up on caffeine, and ready for the post final nap you have planned, but you need to focus right now. You need this final? Naw, fam, this final needs you. You heard me. This final needs you. I want you to stare it down and say right to its face, "I don't need you. You need me." Without you, the final is basically an incomplete glorified test. That's it. The final needs your answers. You can make it your b*tch! You possess all the knowledge. You control its fate. You are the master. YOU HAVE GOT THIS!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!! YOU SHOULD BELIEVE IN YOU!
Just take a few deep breaths before you start and own this! It's your time to shine! It is your time to show the world that you rocked this class. You learned more about this subject than most people could ever even dream about. NOW, GO! ACE THAT TEST! I'LL BE HERE ON THE OTHER SIDE WHEN YOU GET OUT!