Regardless of the school size you go to, your library is bound to be packed when finals week rolls around. It's every college student's least favorite time, but some certainly handle it better than others. The next time you're at the library, see if you can identify these 7 kinds of students when you're trying to find a seat.
1. The Novice.
This is the person that shows up to the library during finals week for the first time this semester. I’m not sure if they think there is something in the air, or that just being in a place that people are studying will help redeem their grades. Maybe they hit rock bottom and are trying anything that might help, who knows.
2. The Teacher.
This student usually brings their own white-board markers, and a dry-erase easel is almost always within arm’s reach. They are usually the ones who have studied for the final before they even take their last test in each class, and you can guarantee a group of classmates flocking around them. If you are walking through the library and see a study group in the middle of a common area, the person leading that study session is definitely this person.
3. The Couple.
These two students are inseparable; they do everything together. That couple you see taking up an entire table for just the two of them with their things strategically placed so no one else can sit around them? Yep, this is them. Double points if they are in the same major, taking all of the same classes.
4. The All-Nighter.
This is that student you walk by and think, “I should probably get them medical attention.” Cans of RedBull line the interior walls of their cubicle, and at 11 a.m. the next day, you can usually find them sleeping in their cubicle. Let’s keep them in our thoughts and pray they actually make it to their final exam alive.
5. The Ones in Greek life.
If you see Greek lettering on a t-shirt, laptop, notebook, planner, or all of those, congratulations, you’ve spotted someone in Greek life. If you see a group of people throwing up some kind of sign with their hands, more likely than not, that is also someone in Greek life. If you see a large group of people in the library meeting any of the criteria above and outnumber everyone else in the library, run.
6. The Movie Watchers and Feed-Scrollers.
These students are the ones who miraculously have the best seat in the library, with electrical outlets and good lighting, but are watching Netflix or are taking every possible BuzzFeed quiz. Why are people like this?! The seats in the library aren’t even comfy. Not saying everyone is judging you, but when I walk past you for the third time over the span of a few hours, and there is still not a book or a page of notes in sight, I’m definitely judging you. Especially when I have to leave my laptop at a table of people I don’t know, but have to trust, just to charge my laptop because that happens to be the closest outlet.
7. The Idiots on the quiet floor.
At the University of Central Florida, if you take an elevator or walk up the stairs to the fourth floor, you’re greeted with a standing sign in the middle of the walkway telling you that this floor is a quiet floor, you can’t talk on your phone, etc. During the week of finals, the number of idiots who decide the quiet floor is where they want to study, but also call back every missed call they’ve ever received, is just insane.
...and then, there is me.