If you’ve been in college for at least one semester now, you have a routine down of how you get through finals week. Let’s be real though, it all starts on the last night that everyone can go out before going home. It’s almost as if it’s an essential in order to procrastinate. From there, the fun is over and you’re stuck in your room or the library for the next week.
Before you know it, you’re home for break. So, enjoy it while it lasts because these finals weeks will be over before you know it. One thing worse than finals week? Being thrown into the real world too soon. Similar to the cast of New Girl. Here are the phases college students face as told by New Girl.
Student LifeDec 07, 2017
15 Times The Entire Cast Of 'New Girl' Is Our Spirit Animal During Finals Week
There is no other way to celebrate break than with a song and dance, just like Jess would.