A list of phases everyone goes through during finals depicted by Lilo and Stitch because there is nothing a Disney movie cannot describe. Besides, everyone needs a laugh during hell week! So, please, laugh away and good luck during finals.
1. Realizing that the semester is almost over.
Looking forward to the waves and fun at the beach.
2. Realizing how much work is left.
No better feeling than thinking of everything you can do during the summer then realizing you have to re-learn everything from the entire semester.
3. Trying to study but you literally can't learn anything else.
"Leave me alone"...I can't college anymore.4. Doing weird things to try and keep your spirits up.
5. Crying when you realize how much more studying there is to do.
It can't be that bad...right?6. Tensions run too high.
It's the night before the exam and you're studying in a group and there's always one person who either knows it all or doesn't know anything, either way, something is bound to happen.
7. Stress-eating.
A little cake never hurt nobody, especially when that cake is eaten at 2 am while cramming for an 8 am exam. After all, food is good for the soul.
8. The final minutes before the final.
Just let all you stress go.
9. Receiving the final.
Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself, so looking at the test is probably scarier than actually taking it...probably.10. Actually taking the final.
You've put all the time in to study, and they still manage to ask about that one topic they mentioned that one class at the very beginning of the semester.
10. The light at the end of the final.
AFTER THIS ONE TEST YOU ARE FREE! Handing in one more exam and then freedom to do whatever you want, no more homework assignments or papers or class. You are truly free.11. Getting to sleep at last.
As soon as that last final is handed in, actually sleeping for eight hours is a top priority.