Finals. All college students shudder when they hear that word and understandably so. From this end of the tunnel, the task seems insurmountable. You want to cry and eat a lot ice cream and pretend that it isn’t your reality. But finals aren’t all bad. (I know, I know. Heresy.) There is actually a positive side to this special time in a student’s life.
Finals are the worst because…they seem impossible. You don’t think you can learn that much information in such a short time. The odds are staring you in the face, and they’re not good.
Finals are the best because…you can do it. Through hard work and effort, you make it through. The next time you come against such an intimidating obstacle, whether it be finals or something else, you are a little more confident that you have what it takes.
Finals are the worst because…you have to somehow budget your time to study for five tests in six days while packing all of your life possessions in boxes and suitcases.
Finals are the best because…it's just exams. No papers, no projects, no extra-curricular activities. Nothing but eating, sleeping (hopefully), packing, and studying.
Finals are the worst because…they’re nerve-wracking. They’re at least 25% of your grade but feel like 98%, and you really, really want (need) to do well.
Finals are the best because…there is no other feeling in the world like walking away from a final knowing that you nailed it. All those hours of preparation paid off, and you know the grade will show it.
Finals are the worst because…you’re exhausted; even if you’ve gotten enough sleep, your brain is completely fried. You’re not sure when you last showered, and your room is a mess.
Finals are the best because…everyone gets it. No one’s judging if you look a little the worse for wear, because they do too.
Finals are the worst because…you have to remember a ton of information all at one time. You stuff your head until it’s about to burst, and then you stuff it some more.
Finals are the best because…you realize just how much you’ve learned and how much richer you are for it. Even if you didn’t love all your classes, you appreciate the knowledge you’ve gained.
Finals are the worst because…there’s no time for anything else. If you’re not catching a few minutes of shut-eye or shoveling food in your face, you’re reading your notes obsessively or flipping through giant stacks of flash cards.
Finals are the best because…camaraderie, man. It can actually be a lot of fun to study with other people. Whether the material is straight-forward and understandable or you’re hopelessly confused, it’s nevertheless way more enjoyable to wade through it with someone else than on your own.
Finals are the worst because…you’re done with another year of college. And although you’re excited by this accomplishment, it’s also bittersweet because you’re one step closer to the end of another stage of your life.
Finals are the best because…you look back at the year and realize how far you’ve come. How much you’ve grown and learned and accomplished. How much people have invested in you to allow you to be where you’re at.