Finals week is now upon us. We're finally in the home stretch of the semester. After this week we can all go home, celebrate the holidays, and binge watch "The Office". Here's finals week as told by Michael Scott.
When you're taking that one class that has nothing to do with your major, the professor is going over the study guide, and you have no idea what's going on.
What you really want to say to the one kid in your group final that is on top of everyone to get their work done, and thinks they're in charge.
When no one listens to this kid and your group doesn't meet to work on your final project until the night before it's due.
When you need to find an excuse to procrastinate and find out that it's pet therapy day.
When you find out the final exam is cumulative.
Then that same professor tells you that your final is scheduled for the very last day of finals.
Then another professor assigns you a project in addition to your final exam.
When you waited to do your final paper to the last possible second, it's 3 a.m., and the class it's due for is at 9:55 that day.
When you get your exam and none of the questions have anything to do with what you studied for on the study guide.
The liberating moment you finally hand in your final paper/exam and you can go home for winter break!