The weeks before Christmas break may be the most trying, but by the time you make it to the middle of December, you've made it to the big event. That's right folks, it's finals week. Finals week is always the most trying week of the year, regardless of which semester it is because you've got an amazing break to look forward to. Fall semester finals might be the hardest, however, because it's the holiday season.
We've all been hyped up for weeks hearing the music, seeing the lights, watching the ads, making plans with family and friends. It's a time of year that is (while admittedly hectic and usually causes families to want to strangle each other by the end) of relaxation and good, genuine family time. No summer jobs or internships to worry about. Just good, old-fashioned holiday fun. But before you get to all this, you have to make it past the big exams. Face it, no matter how much you study or how many papers you write, it never seems like you're done and you'll never feel completely prepared. It's almost criminal that this single week can almost kill the holiday spirit for millions of college students. But who better to describe the forced stealing of the holiday spirit than the expert himself: The Grinch.
1. Professors: "If you study all this material, you'll be fine for the final!"
Yes, thank you. As helpful as this is, I can't feasibly memorize an 18-page study guide in the three days between the last day of class and the exam. But I'll try to know page one by heart.
2. Person who hasn't been in class for the whole semester: "Hey, can I see your notes? I don't think I was here for that." You:
Actually no. No, you may not. It's not like I haven't been sleep deprived and busy this whole semester. I've managed to get to class, you can too.
3. That moment when you realize that you've been eating your way through an entire study guide:
Order insomnia cookies and a pizza at 3 a.m. No shame. Take coffee number six to the library with a bag of Doritos. Also no shame. Do what you gotta do - but if you're nice, share with a study buddy.
5. "Oh you didn't have enough to do in this stressful week? Here's a last minute assignment you have to finish."
Thanks, it's not like I have exams to study for. Let's write a paper I could have written weeks ago if you'd have given me the prompt.
6. Don't worry, I've worked in utter hopelessness into your afternoon schedule.
I recommend a good solid 5-minute cry wrapped in your warmest blanket. Maybe make some hot chocolate.
7. Followed swiftly by trying to escape reality in general.
Just take the pillow to the library. It's good for a quick nap or a solid freak out.
9. But, hey, you've studied enough. Confidence is important.
I don't know where that random spurt of self-confidence and focus comes from, but we all get it - even for a few minutes. Latch on to that feeling and never let go.
10. But then the realization hits that it is still finals week, and there are not exams to come.
Alas, that feeling will fade. And we are brought down to our knees.
11. Just take a minute and really let yourself freak out.
Everybody just needs to take a minute to do...whatever that is.
13. Take a break, go the gym. The exercise will get the brain-juices flowing.
Exercise improves academic performance. Or so they say. But why not try it out and go li lift some weights.
14. Be excited! You get to go home and see your pets soon!
YOU GET TO SEE YOUR DOG! Or cat if you're a cat person. Sorry if you don't have a pet. Ask for one for Christmas.
15. And most importantly, once you turn that last exam in...IT'S CHRISTMAS!
Enjoy the holidays with friends and family. You've earned it!