Dead week is a special time in the life of a college student. It is a time where you regret your lack of studying and want to kill the part of yourself that thought procrastination was ever a good idea. Now you have to write those term papers and put the final (beginning) touches on those projects that are 40% of your grade. Needless to say, if you survived the dreadful week of the dead where zombies roam the halls of the Drinko Library, only to emerge somehow a little less dead than before, you can kick Finals week in the butt too. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience here.
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Finals never live up to the hype. No matter how hard an exam is supposed to be, as long as you put your best foot forward, you are going to pass. If you are a student at Marshall, that automatically means that you are surrounded by Professors who want you to excel. Professors do not want you to fail - take advantage of that! Ask questions ahead of time and you will get answers.
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When it comes to the inevitable stress that surrounds the final week of the semester before it is finally summer break, allow yourself to take a break and breathe. This is vital if you want to perform well when it comes time to settle in and regurgitate all the insane things you learned this semester. Don't forget to take the time to be thankful for the classes you have that don't have finals too! You're bound to get one of those types of classes at least some point in your college experience.
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Now, it is time. Step up to the plate, believe in yourself, and do the very best you can. You are capable! Happy Finals Week.