It's April, which means the pollen count is high, the weather is as unpredictable as my emotions, and finals szn is upon us. For many people that are in school, this time of year always seems to put a damper on their attitudes and fills them with anxiety. And trust me, I get it. That's me 362 days out of the year.
But there's also something magical that happens during finals week. A spark of something more, a glimmer of excitement and ease that no other time of the year seems to possess.
1. We're all in this together.
There's a sense of unity that comes with finals week. At the library about to cry? Don't worry. There is someone 2 tables down feeling the exact same way.
2. You can eat as much as you want.
Calories don't count during finals. It's the law of life.
4. Everyone is pretty much on the same level of not giving a sh**.
No make up. No jeans. No fucks given.
6. Breaks are a given.
Sit down- break. Stand up- break. Study for 10 minutes- break. You deserve it.
7. You can cry and nobody questions it.
Literally anywhere. I once saw someone crying in a bar on a Wednesday night holding notecards. College is so much fun.
12. All you have to do is study and take a few tests for 2 weeks.
If you do finals week right, you should be able to study a few hours a night and be ready for your tests without being too worried about it. Honestly, no one cares what you got on your freshman year Biology final- chill.
14. You have the perfect excuse not to go on that date.
Whether you do or not is up to you...
15. And the perfect excuse to drink all the coffee your little jittery heart desires.Â
Coffee, coffee, coffee.
16. Everyone's here to support one another.
No matter what happens, the relationships you make during finals are forever. Or at least until the end of the semester.
Truly, finals are some of the best and worst times of college. They bring people together and test you in more ways than one. Stay strong students. And don't forget to study (if only for a little bit).