Finals week is upon us. Here are just some of the things we are all going through.
1. When your teacher gives you a review sheet but you can't find the information in your notes
Am I going crazy, or did we never go over this?
2. When you have a billion papers and assignments due by the end of the week
Who decided it was a good idea to have everything due right before finals?!
3. When you're so tired after a night of studying that you can barely do anything right, including your makeup
At this point, I'm showing up in my pajamas.
4. When you start studying for your worst class
Honestly, just looking at my economics notes scares me.
5. When you've already done half your finals
Maybe the next couple finals won't be as bad as the first couple.
6. When you reach that point where you'd rather just cry and stuff your face
Chocolate is always helpful.
7. When everybody expects you to be in the holiday spirit in the middle of finals week
Finals kill any Christmas spirit I might have had this week.
8. When you finally just give up and decide to take whatever grade you get
At this point, I mentally am all studied up.
9. When you go home for break and your family asks how finals were
It was great, mom. Absolutely wonderful. I aced them all.