Finals are one of the more miserable times in a college student's academic career. If your week (or month) has been anywhere near as bad as mine, you will be able to relate to some of these instances, as told by Arrested Development's Tobias Funke.
1. When the reality of how much you have to do starts to sink in, and you can’t handle it.
2. When you read the instructions for your assignments and essays.
3. When you start talking about everything you have to do in the next week.
4. When you have to work with a group for your final project.
5. When you decide that reasoning with your group project teammates is pointless, and you are just going to do your portion separately.
6. When you are studying with your friends and you can't seem to focus or be productive.
7. When you check off the first (of many) boxes on your to-do list.
8. When you need to ask your friend to send you their study guide.
9. When you run into a friend that is in the same boat, or worse.
10. When you don't know if any of the torture is worth it.
11. When you take a leap of faith, and study what you think will be on the exam.
12. When you calculate the grade you need to get on the final to do well in the class.
13. When you are trying to turn in an assignment quickly at the beginning of class, and then sneak out unnoticed so that you can get more study time.
14. When your professor gives you a crappy attendance grade.
15. When you need to get out of bed and start getting things done, but all you can do is lay there like this.
16. When you just pulled an all nighter to study, and you realize that it is already light out.
17. When you experience this exact moment.
18. When you get handed the exam booklet.
19. When you are taking an exam and trying to remember what you studied, but it won't come to you.
20. When you literally can not answer the first question on the exam and everyone around you is finishing.
21. When you are trying to fill in space in an exam ‘blue book’.
22. When you leave an exam, and feel like you failed, but know there's nothing you can do to fix it now.
23. When all's said and done, no matter how hard you worked, finals kicked your ass and probably took a year or two off your life.