Ahh, the dreaded finals week. Where all the hard work, stress, and emotions from the semester come to a head. There's no way around it, and we all must go through it. So now it's that time of year where you stock up on note cards, dry out your highlighters, and fill out study guides until your hand starts hurting. Upper East Siders, this week is brutal, and not even Dorata can help you with this one.
1. When the pressure of finals week starts to hit you
The constant feeling of impending doom and the anxiety from not knowing how to juggle everything. Will you survive? Doesn't feel like it.
2. When your teachers start piling on more assignments
You're already swarmed with book reports, essays, and study guides. Why do they have to suddenly add on a group project, 200-page reading, and an oral presentation???
3. When you calculate what you need on a final to pass a class
You're either totally screwed or somehow safe. Either way, your stress levels are through the roof.
4. When you have an emotional breakdown
Is it normal to have this much work? Is it healthy to be freaking out this much? You gotta let out a good cry or scream of frustration sometimes.
5. When you pull yourself out of said emotional breakdown
Sometimes you have to pick yourself up and get some motivation. Don't let this week tackle you to the ground without a fight.
6. When you decide to do something other than study
You know you shouldn't but that party or that Netflix show is too tempting. Procrastination is your worst enemy during this time of the school year.
7. When your patience really starts to wear thin
8. When you get a bad grade back
There are only a few weeks left, can't you get a free pass to slack off at this point. Senioritis and the sophomore slump could not be more real...
9. When you don't know the first question on a final
It's all downhill from here. Was this even talked about at all this semester? Can you get some points from spelling your name right?
10. When you ~somehow~ survive and summer break begins
After all the pain, highlighters, study guides, and note cards, you made it! Congrats! Put on your crown and enjoy your time away from the classroom.