The Year Is Over... Now What? | The Odyssey Online
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The Year's Over... Now What?

You just took your last final. What to do now (besides cry tears of joy)?

The Year's Over... Now What?
Maddie Barber

Here are a few ways to spend your last few hours at Villanova after a fantastic sophomore year.

Recycle your old handouts 

Don't toss your old papers and recyclable notebooks in the trash next to your moldy shower caddy and old frat shoes! Head around the corner of your dorm hallway and toss them in the mixed paper recycling bin instead. The planet will thank you.

Take a FAT nap

Ah, nothing like the sweet smell of the end of your sleep deprivation after your last 8:30 am final. You deserve a little nap, or a big one, or just to go to bed at 7 pm for the night. Again, you deserve it!

Cry on your friends' shoulders because you don't want to leave them 

A mixture of post-finals exhaustion and extreme sadness will probably force those waterworks hidden within your tear ducts to emerge while you're saying your last goodbyes to your roommate, best friend, and maybe even a favorite professor from the semester. Let it aaaaaalllllll out.

Clean out your room 

Your SUV will thank you when you don't literally stuff it to the brim while moving out. Lots of junk piles up throughout the two semesters, so there's definitely things you'll find in the depths of your desk drawers and under your bed that can be tossed, recycled, or donated. And yes, eating the rest of the snacks in your room after taking two finals in a row does count as cleaning out your room.

Return your books 

This is a reminder to head down to the bookstore. The last thing you want to do is forget and have to pay extra for them. And I know that the last thing you want to do is pay an extra hundred dollars for a missing biology textbook. You have one day left!

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