I know it's not just me that finds finals season to be the worst part of the semester. From pulling all-nighters to having five exams crammed into one week, to the caffeine-induced heart palpitations, they're hell for any student. But when you bring anxiety into that, it's a whole other feeling of dread as finals week creep closer and closer.
I personally have dealt with anxiety for a good portion of my life, but it got especially bad when I entered college. Coming to a new town without knowing very many people, and being away from my mom and my friends, it was all very overwhelming. Not to mention the fact that high school was SO much easier. I had to actually learn how to study so I wouldn't fail my exams, and that certainly wasn't something I was used to.
My first finals season I spent basically the entire weekend leading up to it in the library. I drank way too much coffee and energy drinks, I didn't eat enough, and I didn't study effectively. When I got my grades back I was so disappointed. I thought I had done everything right. I studied, I worked hard, and it still wasn't enough. The month-long break was much needed, and just being home again with my family and friends was more than enough to recharge and prepare for the Spring semester.
I just wanted to tell all of the other college students out there who suffer from any sort of anxiety, especially during finals week, that you're not alone. Finals are over. You're about to get a well-deserved break, and regardless of what your grades were, I promise everything will be fine. It's okay to breathe!