Some students fear them; some students are frightened by them.
Finals are the nightmare that keep college students awake at night. Just the thought of remembering 14 weeks of information for a test and/ or project that could make or break your grade is enough to make the best and brightest student nauseous. But unfortunately, it’s a rite of passage for college students to subject themselves to this extreme type of stress, and I have honestly not found another type of stress quite like the finals week and the few weeks leading up to it.
But since graduation, I have been a little nostalgic for everything college related, but I never thought I would actually be upset about not having to take finals this year. Now before you call me crazy, hear me out first. While finals are extremely stressful for students, there is still light at the end of that long, dark tunnel. Christmas break is right around the corner, and that means they get to eat real food, shower without flip flops and sleep in as late as you want. They have a whole month to do whatever they want, without having to worry about any mandatory responsibilities. I never realized how special and precious that month of free time was, and now that I have a full-time job, I am starting to realize how beneficial the “finals” experience was for me.
To all of the college students out there: don’t ever wish that finals would be over for you. I know that you could do without all of the stress. Looking back on my college experience now, I don’t remember all of the project rubrics and study guides. I remember all of the fun times, though they were few and far between, that I had during finals week. I’m sure you can think of your own as well. While you’re so focused on one “F” word, finals, you should also be focused on two other “F” words, fun and friends.
One of your powerful tools to survive the end of the semester is your friends. They will help ground you and help focus you when you need to keep your eyes on the prize. But at the same time, they also know when it’s time to cut loose and relax for a little while. Go for a late-night food run or throw a movie party in your dorm. Blow off some steam, and trust me, you will come back to your work with a new perspective on it.
Trace Adkins’ song “You’re Gonna Miss This” has always been a favorite of mine ever since my high school: You’re gonna miss this // You’re gonna want this back // You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast. // These are some good times // so take a good look around // you may not know it now // but you’re gonna miss this.”
Walking out of the classroom after finishing the last final of the semester is one of the best feelings in the world, almost as good as opening your presents on Christmas morning. That sense of accomplishment and relief is one of the best feelings in the world. My Christmas wish for college students? Don’t ever forget to appreciate your college experience, even the stressful times, because it will be over in less than a blink of an eye. Looking back on all of my finals experience, all of the days seemed to drag on and on, and it never seemed like it was going to end but when I think about my college career, it seemed like I just moved into my freshman dorm.
Knowledge is power. Don’t ever take it for granted. Sometimes the best moments are the ones you don’t realize you have until they’re gone.
Finals week teaches you so much more than just the information in a textbook. It teaches you how to function on very little or no sleep, and how to use caffeine as your main source of energy. It teaches you how to make the most out of your non-existent meal plan. It teaches you how to be tough and how to live life to the fullest. These are all skills you will definitely need after graduation.
So who knows? Maybe finals are actually a good thing. Only you can be the judge of that.