In Supernatural they are all about taking on the demons of the world, and it just so happens that's also what taking your finals is about, since finals are the most evil creation ever created. So it's understandable that while Dean didn't even go to college, and Sam only went before the show started, they relay those finals feelings perfectly.
1. Feeling dead after dead week but knowing the studying has just started
2. Showing up to the library determined *af*
3. Procrastination
4. That last minute of studying right before a final
5. Taking the test you didn't study for
6. Taking the test you know you're going to ace
7. Nap time
8. Opening up a Finals Calculator and finding out you need an 146% for an A
9. Opening up a Finals Calculator and finding out you need a 60% to keep you’re A
10. Seeing your grades after your finals
11. Finishing finals week alive
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