For those of us who were not sated by "Fear the Walking Dead" tonight couldn't have come quickly enough. "The Walking Dead" finally returned with a hour and a half long season premiere and in true "TWD" fashion we were not disappointed. There was plenty of blood guts and, of course, walkers. For those of you not familiar with the phenomena that is "The Walking Dead" walkers are what the main characters of the show calls zombies- you know, these sexy devils.
The show follows one main character, Andrew Lincoln's Rick Grimes. Grimes woke up two months after the apocalypse from a coma in his hospital bed completely unaware of the zombie take-over. He managed to escape from the hospital and found a recently widowed (are you technically a widow if your wife is still walking around although in a zombie/cannibalistic state?) father (Lennie James' Morgan Jones) and son. The father and son nurse Grimes back to heath so he can venture across the state of Georgia to track down his wife and son- on horseback. Grimes tries to convince Jones to go with him but they chose to stay in their home. Mind you, this happened in the first few episodes in the first season.
Fast forward six seasons. Grimes found his wife and son. His wife died in child birth with their daughter. Grimes time and again builds up communities for his family and random other non-zombie or non-cannibal people and time and again the communities are run over by zombies or other groups. At one point Grimes ran back into Morgan but his son had died as well as his sanity. Grimes left Morgan with his grief and continued on a constant search for "life instead of just surviving."
We've watched Grimes' son (Chandler Riggs' Carl) grow from a little boy to an awkward teen.
We've watched Grimes age more drastically than President Obama's term.
We've seen walkers of every race, creed, shape, size, and gender. We've seen walkers with no legs, no face, or body. We've seen the most disgusting indescribable walkers imaginable. But, we haven't seen what became of Morgan. That is, until today. There has yet to be a character that was left unexplored such as Morgan. We have known the outcome of every unfortunate soul who has crossed paths with our hero Rick Grimes. All but one. Last season ended with Morgan showing up at the most recent community Rick has joined and the first episode of this season begins to show us who is is and what he has become in the past few years we've lost track of him.
This may not seem neat to those of you new to the show but, the
diehard fans see this a bit differently. We know every dirty secret of all of the
main characters of this show. This aspect of keeping a character hidden is new.
That isn't the only new thing about this season. The way the first episode of
the season explained what happened during the break was much different than
what we've seen in previous seasons. Instead of the normal not acknowledging
the missing time and acting as if things were pretty much status quo over the
summer this episode continues the story line. They have overlapped what
happened during the break and what is currently happening with the utilization
of black and white filming verses color filming. This was a very new and interesting
point of view from this show. I think it is just a peek at what we can expect
to see this season-the unexpected. Hang tight, I think this season is going to be one bumpy ride!