Okay, let's be 100% honest here. Hardly any of us like to actually clean our rooms. Those that do are among an elite percentage of people that I have never met. For the rest of us, it is an often tedious chore that we're only doing in order to find a specific item that we may or may not have lost a few months ago when we moved back home from school that we need to find before we go back for the new semester. The problem here is that cleaning and organizing our belongings into different categories can be extremely boring (hence why we tried to avoid it in the first place). However, this doesn't always have to be the case! I've got some tips to share with you that I regularly use whenever I need to get my rear in gear when it comes to organizing and cleaning my room.
1. Make A To-Do List
What do you have to do? Which room cleaning tasks are more important and need to get done first?
Do you have your answers? Then write them down! Writing a to-do list that will help hold you accountable for what you have to do is one of the first steps to room cleaning success!
2. Put On Some Hype Music
I am a firm believer in the power of music. I often use music as a way to express myself when I can't find the words to appropriately do so. Sometimes, the right song can even completely change my mood. That's what the goal of using hype music is in this scenario. People who regularly go to the gym are likely to have a playlist of songs that they listen to when they work out to help get them hyped up and ready to go. Making a playlist to get you hyped for cleaning your room is no different.
3. Have A Set Goal In Mind... And Stick To It
When I start cleaning my room, I sometimes find myself tossing my things around in and unorganized effort that leaves me with a bigger mess than before. There are other times when I do have a goal in mind (ex: finding something I think I've lost, finally sorting through my clothes to find out what still fits me, etc), but I end up getting distracted by some relic from my past that hits me hard with some nostalgic feelings. These things happen to all of us! All you have to do is set a goal and work through any and all distractions that come your way. Make sure that this goal is written on your to-do list! If you really want to look at your nostalgic item that badly, set it aside so that you can look at it when you're done.
4. Break It Down Into Small Projects
I don't know about you, but when I'm planning to clean my room, I often find my cleaning project to be a much larger undertaking than I had initially thought. I may have planned to go through my dresser to find clothes that don't fit me anymore so I could get rid of them, but then I find that I have a lot more t-shirts than I thought I did, and I have to spend two or three hours trying them on in order to sort them correctly. There's nothing wrong with that! In fact, taking large projects and breaking them down into smaller projects may help you to get and stay organized more efficiently! Make sure to update your to-do list as you update your plans too!
5. Don't Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself
I don't think that I can stress this enough. At the end of the day, you might not have gotten everything done that you wanted to get done, and you feel bad about that. Maybe you only crossed off one or two things on your to-do list because it was more difficult than you thought it would be. No matter what the case is, you should ask yourself one question: "Did you get something done?"
If you did, you should be proud! You're one step closer to being done!
If you didn't, that's fine too! Maybe today just wasn't the day for it!
As long as you keep trying and don't give up because you hit a minor setback, you should know that you will get it done. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, and maybe not even the day after tomorrow, but I know you can do it.