The world is full of so many different places to explore. Incredible views, things to learn, and experience to be had. These are things I was taught as a young child when my parents told me to go outside instead of sitting in front of the television.
I didn't grow up with a cell phone. I actually didn't have one until the end of middle school - but I am grateful. I have experienced many different things and at that time, was able to focus on what was in front of me.
Something has changed though. My cell phone can now act as my laptop and can get my any information I need, place any call, take any picture and distract me for hours. I no longer need to go to the ocean to hear the sounds of it, or pick up a newspaper so learn the current events. It is all right there. In my hands.
This is a great addition to society. Technology has advanced the world in so many ways, and will continue to do so. But what has it done to young minds? What has it done to my mind?
I could give you the statistics but you could search them if you really wanted to. I could tell you the facts, but that doesn't mean you have to believe them or even listen. So instead, I am going to make you a promise.
I am going to put my phone down.
I live with a generation obsessed with selfies, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tinder, and so many more. But I am taking a stand.
I will not promise to delete them from my life, because they are not horrible - if they are used reasonably. But I will promise to limit myself. I promise to put my phone down, and you should too.
There is an entire world out there and we are just missing it. The long car rides are easy to pass in time because we are distracted, but I now will be distracted by the scenes from the window. I will now be taking in the fresh air by looking up, instead of down at a device.
I want to learn and grow and experience. I want to be a kid again where I only want the television and my phone when the street lights come on. I want to distract myself with excitement and enthusiasm.
You can stay on your phone if you want. But its summer - and it is the one time of the year you have less obligations and may have some time to relax. The weather (for the most part) is gorgeous and adventure awaits.
Put the phone down. Be a kid again. Learn. Grow. Experience.