Hey you! Yeah, you!
Did you just get to experience the pride and joy of wearing you're overly decorated cap while listening to pomp and circumstance on repeat? And did you receive that lovely bachelor's, master's, or even doctorate's degree your poured all those years of sweat and tears into as well?
If so, congratulations - you finally graduated from college! You finally climbed the whole mountain and are now a big kid in the big world! Which means...
...now what?
Yes, this is a dreaded question I have been suffering since mid-May and I'm crushed to say I, along with a bunch of other alum chums, will not be joining the "Back to School" jamboree. *sad face*
But don't worry, just because you're not prepping for a college routine anymore doesn't mean it's the end of the world! And as much as applying for those grown-up jobs are the main priority to post-grad life, we do need to take a break from that mission and realize what we can finally do now that we don't have the stress of a million and one assignments due by the end of every semester!
1. Evaluate Your Career Path
If you're still having trouble with those job applications, take this time to relook at the career choices you might be making - maybe what you got your degree in is something you really don't want to pursue as a 9 to 5-er.
And you know what? That's completely okay! This is the perfect time to figure out what you really want to do, and taking another one of those career aptitude tests might help out. Otherwise, you can contact your university's career center or a career recruiter and see what they might have in store for alumni.
2. Keep In Touch With Your Friends
Just because your friend from all the way across the nation or on the other side of the planet left you doesn't mean you'll never see them again! Remember to set up Skype/FaceTime dates or message each other on social media like Facebook every now and again to maintain that special bond you had during your school days.
After all, through thick and thin, "We're all in this together!"
3. Catch Up Or Start On That Show You've Been Meaning To Watch For The Longest Time
During my years at college, I was gosh darn lucky if I ever had the time to go on Netflix (and Chill!). Luckily, now I can waste all of my time on it without a care!
Speaking of which, I finally got off my butt and started "The Office" since I graduated this past May! I know, I'm super late to the game, but I would love some buddies to talk and gush about it!!
4. Go On A Spontaneous Trip
Remember that time you've been dying to go on a cruise for spring break but just couldn't afford it? How about that time you promised yourself you'd go backpacking in a faraway country? Well then, in the words of good ol' Shia LaBeouf, now's the time to "JUST DO IT!!" Trust me, it's better to do it now than wait until you get swooped up by a nine-to-five job in the city.
In fact, remember my recent trip to Los Angeles and Disneyland I previously mentioned in an article or two? Although it was an eye sore when it came to the planning, 'twas the best post-grad decision I ever made and I bet my other post-grad friends would whole-heartedly agree!
5. Pick Up A New Hobby
You guessed it, now you have the time to pursue interests outside your field of study! Whether it's taking dancing lessons or even learning life skills before moving out of the house you grew up in and living it up in an apartment, try something new!
And remember this: You're not alone if you still feel sad about not heading back to your alma mater this fall. It's not an easy transition to get used to, but with these methods, you will definitely make it through adulthood!!