Ever since reality sensation, Kylie Jenner, released her own lip kits last fall, I had the urge to buy one. Yet, every time I visited her website, the kits were sold out. I told myself it wasn't meant to be, it was a dumb obsession and I didn't need one. I don't even like Kylie, why do I want one?
So, I unfollowed her cosmetics Twitter and Instagram and put my urge on the back burner. I saw articles saying the mattes majorly dried your lips out anyway, and the brand Colourpop has the same formula as a Kylie Lip Kit for a much more reasonable price. I started looking into Colourpop, but I never ended up ordering any of its products.
But then, this summer, I kept seeing photographs of people wearing the lip kits, and my obsession started back up from where I left it. I saw good reviews of the kit now, and I told myself I would visit the website one more time, and if they are sold out, then it just isn't meant to be.
Lo and behold, they weren't sold out. I freaked.
My heart started beating fast and I added the lip kit color "Exposed" to my cart. I stared at it in my cart for about 10 minutes before I decided this wasn't a crazy, spontaneous purchase. I was feeling like I should treat myself to a (supposedly) top brand for my lips and see how all of the buildup and fuss plays out. It wouldn't be the end of the world if it didn't turn out to be my favorite thing of all time. Also, let it be known that I am not a makeup guru in the slightest.
Let me tell you, that week and three days between when I ordered my lip kit and when it finally arrived felt like months. I came home from work everyday, checking the front door, checking the mailbox and tracking my package order number. Fourth of July weekend set it back, and all I could think about multiple times throughout the day was where my lip kit was.
I have never been so excited to receive makeup. As soon as I opened the small black box and saw my lip kit, I was in awe.
The application is so easy, and I absolutely am in love with the color. I have been wanting a beautiful nude color lip for months now, and it dries so perfectly if you follow the directions and only use one coat. The first time I wore it, I drank and ate popcorn at the movies and no residue was left behind or smearing happened at all.
At the end of the night (and six hours after application), I actually had trouble getting it off of my lips.
The second experience I had with my "Exposed" lip kit was not as successful, but in its defense, I was eating pasta and not really trying to keep it on my lips anyway.
I would rate the Kylie Lip Kit four out of five. The only complaint I do have for the kit is that it does not keep my lips as moisturized as I thought it might. It definitely is better than all of the other mattes I have tried, so it is my favorite one thus far, but I am holding out for a (nonexistent, magical) matte that keeps my lips moisturized and perfect.
I don't think I'll be buying another Kylie Lip Kit, but I might try out a gloss... What am I saying, of course I am going to try out a gloss!
I think everyone who loves lipsticks as much as I do should try a Kylie Lip Kit! It is definitely a fun experience, and who says you have to like Kylie Jenner?
P.S. I still don't. I just appreciate her contribution to lips everywhere.