So you've made it. It's finals week, the worst and greatest week of every college student's life. During this week, everyone is either grumpy or all hyped up on caffeine. You're super stressed because you're trying to remember what you have learned all semester, but you're also super excited because in literally one week your summer will officially begin. Here are 11 things going through every college students' head during finals week.
1. Is it too late to drop a class?
2. I can and I will study all this in one day.
3. I can do this, right?
4. Why does social media become more entertaining when I'm trying to study?
5. Life is really kicking my ass right now.
6. I'm so over college.
7. I don't really need sleep, I need an A.
8. I need coffee, right now!
9. Why does the library smell so bad?
10. OMG, I really think I might pass this test?
11. I could be doing something other than studying right now.
Grab some coffee, try to get some sleep, and good luck!