Finals week is upon us, and you know what that means. Flip open those dusty books that have been sitting on your shelf all year and start studying!
What? No.
I am not going to write about how everyone needs to study for finals. We all know that we need to study. But, take some time to read this.
We are coming up to our last few weeks as freshmen at NDSU, and boy has it been a year to remember. Leo won his first Academy Award. The Bison brought back a fifth ring, and not to mention a fifth trophy, to add to our showcase. Carson Wentz became an Eagle and is flying high in Philly. With the strength and perseverance of the Bison and the loyalty of an Eagle, Carson will grow to be a great NFL quarterback. Joe Haeg, another Bison, was drafted to the Colts.
At the beginning, we were thrown into the college life with high school not preparing us whatsoever.
At the blink of an eye, we had to learn how to get up on our own, go to class, do homework (and on time), do laundry and budget for that super cute shirt you saw at the mall. What do you think? Was it worth it? I'm not talking about the shirt. Looking back at the year, it's crazy to see how each and every one of us has blossomed into the adults that we are slowly, but surely, turning into. Our parents are proud of us. We did it. We survived our first year.
Take these last few weeks to cherish the last few moments we have left with the people we have gotten close to. Enjoy every little moment. We came to college with only a friend or two. Now look. You are surrounded by people you didn't even think existed. People who were there right when you needed them.
Some friends came and went, but there are those select few who have stayed by your side with every step. Every bad exam. Every friend-fallout. Every breakup. Those are the people you are going to have the blessing to know your whole life. Everyone says you make your life long friends in college. I sure hope it's true. I have met so many amazing people here during my first year.
This summer is going to be hard. Not only because you have to leave these new friends, but also that very special person who you lived with for the year- your roommate. I know for sure I will miss mine. Take these last few weeks to thank and to love everyone who has been put into your life and who has made you become the person you are today.
I am really going to miss making so many simple memories because those are the best ones. It's in those little defining moments that you find yourself, and you find out who your true friends are.
Here's to the last two weeks of being a freshman! Good Luck.