My Final Words Before Election Day | The Odyssey Online
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My Final Words Before Election Day

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My Final Words Before Election Day

At this present moment, I’m sure many of you have made up your minds as to how you are going to vote in this presidential election. I certainly did a long time ago. But this is my final pitch for the candidate that I believe is overwhelmingly qualified to serve as the 45th President of the United States.

I am voting for Hillary because climate change is real, human caused, and a very real and present threat. While I understand that this may seem misguided or only a potential, far-off crisis, I assure you it is very real and much more pressing than you may think. While Trump has finally acknowledged that climate change is occurring, he refuses to concede that it is caused by humans’ relentless destruction of the planet at a simply unsustainable rate. He insists on an energy revolution that involves bringing back jobs for the coal industry. Actions like these will only push us closer to the edge of the cliff. While I wish Hillary would pledge to do more about this issue, her plan is to shift job loss in the coal industry to sustainable, clean energy. This is not just a more desirable plan. This plan is taking major steps towards an actual future, providing jobs and making the United States a potential leader in green energy.

I am voting for Hillary because of women’s rights. Do not misunderstand me. I am not voting for Hillary because she is a woman. I am voting for her because every other sentence out of Trump’s mouth presents a threat to my future. Hillary is a fierce advocate for women across the entire country. You undoubtedly have your own opinions about Trump’s actions and words regarding women, but I very strongly believe the President of the United States is a role model for their citizens. I fear his behavior will reverse the work of millions and begin to normalize rape culture and inequality in our country once again. I am also voting for her because I am an unwavering advocate for the pro-choice movement and once again, the sheer amount of misinformation that has left Trump’s mouth presents a very real threat.

I am voting for Hillary because humanity towards all people is a pillar I believe our country stands proudly on. It is one of the many reasons I love this country so much. You can pick and choose which of Trump’s comments threatens this belief of mine; really any of them work. But to turn away those in need, to turn our backs on oppression, racism and tolerance is a severe violation of what our country is supposed to stand for.

I am voting for Hillary not solely because she is a women but because she is a woman with unending qualifications running against arguably one of the most unqualified people to ever be put on a major party ticket.

I am voting for Hillary to overcome the hate which has sunk its vile claws into the hearts of so many of our citizens.

Vote for Hillary because even if you truly still believe that each one of these humans are equally as deplorable, Hillary is so much more clearly fit to lead. She represents the basis on which our country was founded. If you are still undecided, I implore you to take another look at the facts. This election really is as important as everyone keeps saying. The results will put us on a path that will be very hard to deviate from in the future. It will decide who we are as a nation, who we are as a people and what we have chosen to stand for in the face of opposition. Choose to stand for good, for tolerance and for unity.

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