Shameless, the United States version, at any rate, is a television show which airs on Showtime. It follows the Gallaghers, a family of six siblings with two dysfunctional, absent parents and their equally-dysfunctional way of life in their Southside Chicago neighborhood, where drugs are everywhere, virginities are lost at age 12 and juvenile records are the status quo. The show has an element about it which takes the viewers straight into the story and into the Gallagher's lives, making us feel almost as if we were right there with them.
With that being said, here's Senior year of college as told by Shameless
1. When you come back from Spring Break, but you remember that the hardest stretch of education is upon you and you have no clue how to deal with it or the mounting pile of assignments, group projects, tests and essays that need your attention.
2. When the monumentality of the situation finally becomes fully realized, you begin to ponder and question whether or not everything you've been through in the last 3.5 years is actually all worth it.
3. But then you do a little bit of self-pep talking and you find the inner confidence to power through all the muck.
4. So you start to come up with your game plan on how to succeed for your last semester and face your fear in the face.
5. But then someone asks you if you have an awesome GPA.
6. So you get down to studying, even if you have to take your study materials to less-than-desirable places.
7. You spend copious amounts of time in the library, seeing underclassmen freaking out a million times harder than you are and remember how you felt about the upperclassmen as a freshman.
8. You call your mom for support, and she gives you some tough love instead after telling her how screwed you are.
9. When you feel yourself slowly, but surely, losing your mind.
10. When you email a professor with a question or clarification on an assignment, and they reply in one of three ways.
11. You finally get on the right track and in no time at all, you're running up late to your final exam.
12, When your roommate asks if you're going to enjoy the real world after graduating in May.
13. When you walk out of commencement feeling like a million bucks and feeling ready to dance.
14. When you finally get that piece of paper.
The most important thing to remember during this final semester of college is that, yes, graduation is fast approaching, but it doesn't mean it's the end of the world, and it doesn't mean it's time to start stressing out and affecting your health and well-being.
All graduation means is that you are moving on to bigger, better, brighter and more financially-solvent phases of life. And hey, who doesn't want that?