A Final Goodbye To 2A | The Odyssey Online
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A Final Goodbye To 2A

Goodbye, and thank you, to the best floor in Binghamton.

A Final Goodbye To 2A
Craig Specht

Wow. Where to begin. I cannot believe that the year is already over. It feels as if High School Graduation just happened, and I am getting ready to start Freshman Year. A whole year has happened, and it just feels crazy, and unfathomable. I guess it just went so fast due to a great group of friends. I want to take some time to say goodbye to, and thank this great group of people, and the best floor in Binghamton, for being the best damn group of people to be surrounded with Freshman Year.

I remember feeling confident going into school; I am going to a great school, not too far from home, and my roommate is my best friend from home. I was scared, however, as I was put into a suite with four other people that I was actually a bit intimidated by. None of us really interacted over the summer, so I was unsure of what to expect; as a non-athletic, nerdy music kid, I was kind of scared of the guys I could be placed to live with. Luckily, I was placed into a suite full of great guys, who although may be different, ended up being some of my closest friends here. Upon finally meeting, I was instantly greeted upon extreme kindness, and friendliness; not just by them, but by everyone on the floor. I was honestly shocked by how friendly everyone was, probably because no one knew each other, so everyone was in the same boat.

I remember the first time I think we all hung out was one of the first days: a small game of go fish ended up turning into a giant meet and greet with everyone, and then a massive dinner at App. From there, we all started doing all sorts of stuff together; watching TV, grabbing food between classes, going to the gym, and basically anything else imaginable. We were all inseparable, and had a blast whenever we were with each other. I guess having a small floor, with a few suites made it convenient for us to just walk in and out of each other's rooms whenever we wanted.

Through all of the good times, the tough times, and everything in between, we were all there for each other, and for that, I want to thank everyone on this floor, and say a final goodbye, since we will not all be living together next year.

To list just some of the things we did this year, there was watching Stranger Things, dumb meme reviews, and an attempt to get through Game Of Thrones, even though we just stopped after five episodes. Going out, and somehow making it home, followed by staying up literally all night. Countless hours of playing Smash, accompanied by hours of screaming about counters, and how I only played as the most annoying characters. Basking in the glory of the Music Gods: J Cole, Kendrick, and of course, XXXTentacion. Complaining about dining hall food, but somehow eating enough of it, so that we all had to refill our meal plans multiple times. Yelling about Chem and Physics (which is why Harpur is better). Attempts at physical activity, like ice skating, bowling, volleyball, basketball, frisbee, and even going to the gym. Asking Kevin if he was in Theta Chi, while Lucas actually made it into his frat (he made it eventually). Even being a good Jew, and going to Chabad once or twice. From watching jeopardy every night, to gathering around for multiple hours of poker, there was a lot we all did together this year, and for that, I am eternally thankful.

Bojack, Caitlin, Casey, Chris, David, Eric, Jeremy, Joe, Kevin, Lia, Lucas, Matt, Nick, Puloma, Sam Cook, and Sam Miz, I wan to thank all of you again, for being the best possible floor in Binghamton.

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