People Having Phone Calls in the LibraryÂ
I don't care about how drunk you got at last nights house party. I especially do not want to hear all your dirty details while I am taking notes and trying to focus. Why people can't take their phone calls outside of the library, is beyond me.
Freshmen Who Still Act Like They're 12
I went into the silent section of the Medical Library, and these two freshman walked in and at first I was like wow they are really loud typers.... until they started freaking out about the zombies they couldn't kill. All you hear was TAP TAP TAP intensely for minutes at a time. After many peoples very obvious coughs and dirty looks, I think they realized that they could play videogames at their dorm.
Teachers Who Don't Upload Grades Until Last MinuteÂ
Uh, Hi Mr. Professor, Sir but i really need to know if i have to sign up to take your class again or not. It drives me CRAZY waiting for teachers to upload grades , even though you took the exam on Monday and its been a week later. BIG Yikes.
It's Cumulative
I don't know about you but my textbooks were super thick... and it sucks having to study EVERYTHING, even though like 20% of that information in actually on the exam.
Hopefully, everyone has a successful semester and did well on their exams!