As the holiday season starts to roll in, unfortunately so does finals season. We can't reach home for a relaxing break without first suffering through final exams week. And no matter how hard we may try to make finals a little more bearable, the truth is, finals week is never fun. We're too busy day-dreaming about seeing our friends and drinking hot chocolate while the snow falls.
Chances are, your finals week typically goes a little something like this:
1. You look in your planner, only to realize that somehow finals are now a week away. *commence panic mode*
2. You're so overwhelmed by all of the things that you have to do that all you can do is sit there and procrastinate (and stress eat).
3. You have no idea what to do with yourself, so you decide to call the one person who is supposed to have all the answers:
3. You FINALLY start to study, but all of the information is a real *shock* to the system:
4. When you try and snag your usual study spot, you find that you're out of luck. Your place has been snagged by some rando just setting foot in the library for the very first time this year *sigh*
5. You walk around all week pretending that your sanity is still intact, but in reality your life is slowly falling apart.
6. You can't help but daydream about how close, yet how far you are, from going home to something like *this*
7. And then, when you go to take your first exam, you find yourself completely consumed by fear:
8. You flip through the pages of the exam, crying a little inside when you find out almost nothing you studied is what's actually on it.
9. After that, trying to make it through the rest of your finals feels a little like this:
10. At last, you make it. Teary-eyed and barely functioning, but you make it. You go to hand in your last final exam, make eye-contact with your professor, and walk out like *this*
11. And then you celebrate...BECAUSE IT'S OFFICIALLY WINTER BREAK!!