Finals week is the most dreaded week for any college student. Going from test to test can be exhausting, and not to mention the endless hours you spend looking at your notes hoping to learn a semester worth of material in the matter of a few days. Here is what finals week would look like broken down into GIFS:
The endless hours spent studying
This is how one feels after staying up until 2 a.m. studying for an 8 a.m. final.
What you find yourself doing instead of studying
Just to stay awake you are willing to do anything
Like drink those energy drinks that are terrible for you or five gallons of coffee
When you thought the exam was at 1 but it's at 12
But really this happened to me. Always double check the time of the exam friends.
When you finally are done and get to sleep
Literally the best feeling in the world.
When it is finally time to go home for break
Because who doesn't love six weeks off?