The time right before Christmas Break is one of the hardest times for a student. You are caught between wanting to wear your elf shoes and ugly sweaters or bearing down and studying for finals. It seems like the break will never get here, and no matter how hard you study, you can't help but sing "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer." The best way to explain the student's perspective of getting through final exams is through the Griswold's.
1. When you pull consecutive all-nighters and your friend tries to motivate you:
But at the same time, you are so tired:
2. When everyone is already celebrating the end of the semester and you still have finals to take:
3. When you look at your planner and realize how much studying you have to do:
4. When you find an extra credit question on your final and you have no clue what the answer is:
On the outside you look OK, but internally you feel like the turkey below:
5. Looking at your exam and actually remembering half of the things you studied:
6. Giving yourself small pep talks that keep your emotions at bay before you explode:
7. When your friends complain about how much work they have to do before the break:
8. When you finish your first exam, but you still have two more exams to get through before Christmas Break:
9. When your professor emails the class at last minute to tell you about extra information that will be added to the final exam:
10. When your brain literally cannot retain any more information:
11. When you're turning in your final exam, and the professor who has made your life hell all semester says, "Merry Christmas":
12. When you finally finish all of your exams: