As finals week approaches us so do thoughts of what our summer plans could be. The future is but a finger's reach away, we just have to get past these tests. First, let me just say, I know we have a long few weeks left ahead of us. There's not much more we can do other than study hard, and relate with the characters from "Les Misérables" in this desperate time.
Now, "Les Misérables" is such a dramatic play, and the French Revolution is nothing to be laugh about. But I hope that this will help you in your destiny of finals and summer dreams.
Yes, looking back at the summer of 2015 I was so excited to be starting my college journey, but I think with that excitement we all forget how difficult the next four years are. But, like this musical, things happen for a reason, and all your hard work pays off. During finals it may not seem that "life is worth living" with the little to no sleep and the coffee breaks at 1am.
When the professor walks into class with the finals in hand, stating that it will begin immediately and your time for cramming is reduced; everyone seems to sing along "look down, look down". Its as if you can feel a wave of fear shutter over every other student. Remember "Don't look 'em in the eye", they can since your fear.
"At the end of the day" we're all here to get these tests over with, with flying colors. Everyone stay clam and we'll get through this somehow.
"Red, the color of desire. Black, the color of despair". At the end of this we want a grade that will keep us in good standing, but we don't look forward to the dreaded next two hours and twenty minutes for this "extra long" exam that the professor has written for us. This is not high school anymore, we aren't kids, we gotta buck up and get this out of the way!
When you're the only one in the computer lab at 2am, you feel like you're the only one going through this hard time. Just remember everyone is in the same boat as you. Now, usually group projects don't sound all that great, but when you're in your Calc class, it'd be nice to have a "group effort" final.
Its your last final, you're so close to being finished for the semester! You only have "One More Day" until you can start your summer vacations and moving back home. You have to form supportive friend group who can quiz you before your exam and pump you up so you don't scare yourself. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
So if this time seems scary just know that at the end will be summer break and you can relax not have to worry about college stress for once. Get as much sleep as you want because you'll need it in the fall. Stay positive and don't psych yourself out too much.