If you are a young adult currently enrolled in college, you are probably around the age of 18-22. Which means you were probably born anywhere from 1993-1997. So, you were probably a little kid around the time that the Disney Channel Original Movies were popular. You probably waited for "Hocus Pocus" and "Halloweentown" to play around October. I could imagine you couldn’t wait to get your "Luck of the Irish" fix on St. Patrick’s Day. And I bet you got excited when they announced on commercial breaks that your favorite Disney Channel Original Movie was up next.
Sadly, those days are long gone and the movies they play on Disney Channel nowadays don’t even compare. What’s even worse is that, just like the Disney movies have changed, we have too. And we’re all grown up now. When we used to be stressing about what movie would be up next on Disney, now we are stressing about trying to at least pass our final exams. The time is soon approaching for most college students to take their finals and we all could agree that our emotions are all over the place, our stress is at an all time high, and we are just ready for it all to be done. And luckily, our Disney Channel movie characters can understand too….
When you wake up the morning of an exam...
"Hocus Pocus"
When you are in a rush and pull together an outfit in two minutes...
"Life Size"
Praying before you walk into an exam you know you are about to fail...
"Cheetah Girls"
That professor who doesn't curve when the whole class does terrible...
"Cadet Kelly"
When you barely study for an exam and surprisingly, get a really good grade...
"Get a Clue"
When you keep getting distracted while trying to study...
When your grades finally come together and start to look better than you originally thought...
"Life Size"
When you just put the minimal into studying and the exam is a lot harder than you think...
"High School Musical"
When you study for an exam with people from your class and all agree that you are going to fail...
"High School Musical"
When have been studying for hours, start getting slap happy, and start questioning your sanity...
"Smart House"
You make one stupid mistake on an exam and it messes up your whole grade...
"Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century"
When you have to get a little encouragement from your friends...
"Gotta Kick It Up"
When you pulled an all-nighter to study and you start to become delirious...
"The Even Stevens Movie"
When it is all finally over and you see your final grades..
"Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century"
And, if you are a true Disney Channel Original Movie fan, as you read every single one of those quotes in your head, you heard it the exact way it's said (or sung) in the movie.