Finals Week. Every college kids worst nightmare. But it's a waking nightmare because let's face it, you are so not getting any sleep. It's endless all nighters, questioning your abilities and contemplating dropping out 24 hours a day until the end of that last final.
If any of this rings true to you, here's a few ways to make finals week slightly more bareable
1. Order take-out
I know your wallet is probably screaming NO!!! and it's the home stretch to make what's left of your savings last, but you deserve this. It's better to study on a full stomach and you won't have to waste time cooking.
2. Take a Netflix break
This sounds like the worst advice ever, but I promise one show isn't going to kill you. And I mean one show, don't start binge watching. It'll actually help to give your brain a little break so you can go right back to studying.
3. Work out
Again, this definitely sounds like a joke BUT trust me on this one. It's like taking a productive break. One that you won't feel guilty about because you're working on that summer bod, plus working out releases endorphins which helps with school work
4. SLEEP!!!
This is the most important, all nighters really aren't going to help. Your brain is going to be so fried.
5. Get a change of scenery
Don't stay in the same seat in the library for endless hours, you will go stir crazy.
6. Get a study buddy
It doesn't matter if they're studying for the same thing, but being around someone else that's being productive will probably help you be productive.
7. Coffee
This one should go without saying. Coffee is a college kids best friend.
8. Think about how amazing it'll feel when everything's done
Once you get through this, it's three months off!!!!
9. Celebrate when it's finally over
you deserve it! Party, buy yourself something nice, go on a beach trip - whatever it is that your heart desires because you did it!
You got this!