This has been one of my favorite stories written by the Greatest storyteller.
It's the last semester of college and I'm turning the first page on the final chapter.
It's a little bittersweet, but the story that He has written for me doesn't end when I walk a crossed that stage in May. It may seem like it at the moment. It may seem terrifying and like nothing could ever come close to the magnificence of the story God has written for me over the past 4 years, but He is the greatest storyteller. He has a wonderful new story filled with countless chapters and adventures planned ahead of me.
But, it's not finished yet. I still have an entire semester to sit in the wonder and joy of this final chapter. I'm going to savor every last moment and part of this story, because I know that if I focus to much on the next book in His series for me called 'Life,' I am going to miss out on so much of what God has for me to learn in this final semester.
So, I'm ready. I've got my hand on the first page of this chapter and I'm ready to begin. I am excited and eager to see what He has planned next. But, I won't skip ahead. But rather, I will read each page with immense passion and wonder. I will have open eyes, open ears and an open heart to adventure through this last semester, this final chapter with God by my side.
I know this is short. But, I'm so eager and excited to start this final chapter, because I have a feeling it's going to be pretty fantastic.