I've heard time and time again that certain films don't do anything for the world. I've heard this a lot about superhero movies, probably because it's the really popular films that don't do anything.
Yes, they aren't thought provoking. Yes, they are unrealistic. Yes, they don't really do anything to better society.
But they are films that entertain us.
Films that give us breaks from reality. Films that show us heroes. Films that show us people to look up to. Films that give little kids the opportunity to see themselves in an amazing character.
And that's O-K. Films were made to be entertaining. They were made to make people laugh away their worries for a few hours and have fun when they aren't working.
It's not just Superhero movies that don't "better" society.
There are a lot of films that are the same way. Films that are there to first and foremost entertain.
Yes, there are some films that are for more than just entertaining the audience. Films that enlighten us, teach us and guide us. There are films that you leave crying and films that you leave understanding more.
No type of film is really less valid than the other. Each is unique and brings about different fans and interest. They are made to do different things.
If all movies claimed to enlighten us, they would be lying.
If all movies claimed to give us an escape, they would be lying. AND THAT'S OK.
And it's OK if you don't like one. It's OK if you don't like heavy films. It's OK to like being entertained for a few hours. We all like to escape our worries, and being invested in a film is a good way to do that.
So please don't tell me a film is doing nothing for society because it's a certain genre. Because it's entertaining, and that's all a movie really needs to be.