We live in a generation that makes us think that love is solely romantic. Our generation makes us believe that fairy tales and human love is the definition of what love really is. The problem with human love is that sometimes it's just temporary. We seek to fill that hole in our hearts with human love, but we are filling our hearts with something that isn't going to last. We rely on that temporary love to fill the hole in our hearts and sometimes we can have all the love in the world, yet still fill empty.
The only thing that can fill that void is Our Creator. God's love is an everyday thing. On days you just feel like you can't take it anymore, He is there for you. Let it sink in that before you were even born, He loved you.
So why do we fall on temporary love rather than eternal? People will always fail you. It's inevitable. Nobody on this Earth is perfect. If you rely on someone constantly and you make them the center of your world, where does that leave God? God longs to have your heart. If you fulfill your heart with your significant other and treat them as if they are the thing that makes you the most happy on this Earth, it will fail you. You will end up heartbroken, because Earthly love is tangible.
Nothing you do or say will prevent God from loving you. That's what we long for right? We long to be loved regardless of if we are worthy or not. That's what His love is. He loves us so much that He sacrificed for our sins. He doesn't love us depending on if we are worthy or not. God's love for us has no reasoning, but yet it is unconditional. His love isn't earned, because you will never deserve His love. When God sent His son Jesus Christ, He gave us the ultimate sacrifice.
That's why that emptiness you try to fill with Earthly things is always there. Human love will always leave you with wanting more, but God's love will give you so much more than you ever deserved.
"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God. who loved me and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:2